Friday 5 August 2016

Linux install without cdrom with xp window

Linux install without cdrom with xp window

To run GRUB from Windows' boot loader, copy grldr to the directory C:\. Append the following line to your C:\boot.ini file:
C:\grldr="Start GRUB"
Oh wait, by default this file is hidden, read-only, system and fireproof. To remove all that, run: attrib c:\BOOT.INI -s -h -r beforehand. Afterwards the following command may help you sleep better: attrib c:\boot.ini +s +h +r. Check that the timeout option is not set to a too low number of seconds. Back up this file before fiddling more with it; making your machine un-bootable is really not a pleasant experience. Depending on your version of Windows, there may also be some tools available to help you edit more safely the boot.ini file. Try for instance msconfig or bootcfg. Maybe even the experimental WINGRUB. Google can help you a lot here.
Grub> Kernel  /vnlinuz          

Grub>initrd  /initrd


system will be boot and install the os. System will give the path of NFS or FTP.

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