Saturday 6 August 2016

How to add clients in domain advance method used in company environments client side configurations

This article extends the previous article. We have completed server side configuration.
Pre quest of this tutorial
  • Create a user named Vinita
  • Add user Vinita in Domain Admins group
  • Create a computer account for this client
  • Grant Add workstation to domain Rights to user Vinita
We have configured all these steps in our previous article.
On client computer login from administrator account.
login from administartor
Right click on My computer and Select Properties In properties click on Network ID button from Computer name tab
my computer properties
On welcome screen click on next
welcome to network
On Connecting to network screen select This computer is part of a business network, and I use it to connect to other computers at work
how to use computer
On next screen select My company uses a network with a domain
connect to network
On network information screen click on next
network information
On account and domain information screen give user name to Vinita and it's password [ user account which we created in our previous article] set domain to [ Your domain name ] and click on next.
fill user information
Now it will search for computer account in ADS. [ We have created a computer account for this computer in ADS in our last article. ] Click on yes
use account
You can use this account to login in server form client computer. But we are not going to use this account for login process. So select Do not add a user at this time and click on next
donot add user
After few minute a welcome message will appear on screen click on it.
welcome domain
System reboot is required to take the effect. Restart the system
After reboot system will be the member of domain network. There are several way to confirm the membership of domain which we already discussed in our previous article.

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