Monday 8 August 2016

How to install Gparted on Linux

How to install Gparted on Linux


I need to (re)partition my hard disk. How can I install Gparted on [insert your Linux distro]?
GParted is an open-source GUI-based disk partition editor originally developed for Linux GNOME Desktop. Gparted allows you to create, resize, copy and paste, move, and repair disk partitions using easy-to-use GUI. It supports many filesystems including btrfs, ext2/ext3/ext4, fat16/fat32, lvm2, ntfs and xfs, and a variety of storage devices such as SATA/IDE/SCSI, Flash memory, SSD and RAID. Its complete feature set is available in the official website.

Install Gparted on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint

Gparted is part of the base repositories on Debian-based Linux, so apt-get will do the job.
$ sudo apt-get install gparted

Install Gparted on Fedora

Gparted is a standard package in Fedora, so installing Fedora is straightforward with yum.
$ sudo yum install gparted

Install Gparted on CentOS or RHEL

To install Gparted on CentOS, first set up EPEL repository, and then run:
$ sudo yum install gparted

Install Gparted on OpenSUSE

Gparted already comes installed on recent releases of OpenSUSE (e.g., 12.3). If Gparted is not installed, you can install it with zypper.
$ sudo zypper install gparted

Install Gparted from the Source

If you want to try the bleeding-edge features of the latest Gparted (e.g., online resizing), you need to compile and install Gparted from the source. Note that you need to install several GNOME development packages. Here are the complete Gparted build instructions.

Debian based system

$ sudo apt-get build-dep gparted
$ sudo apt-get install git gnome-common
$ git clone git://
$ cd gparted
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install

Red Hat based system

On CentOS/RHEL, you need to enable EPEL repository first (for "yum-builddep gparted").
$ sudo yum install yum-utils git gnome-common gcc-c++
$ sudo yum-builddep gparted
$ git clone git://
$ cd gparted
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install
If you want to pass any custom build parameter (e.g., "--enable-online-resize"), run the configure command right after and before make.
$ ./configure --enable-online-resize
Below is a screenshot of Gparted.

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