Friday 5 August 2016

How to install power toy ui in XP

Power Toy is a tiny software provided by Microsoft to enhance the performance of XP. You could download it from here.
Download Power Toy Tweak UI
With Power Toy Tweak UI software you could easily access the settings those are difficult to access for normal user. You need not be computer geek to use our tips and tricks as I promised in this section.
Login from administrator account and double click on downloaded software
power-toys tweak UI
On welcome click next
power-toys tweak UI
On license agreement screen select I accept and click on next
power-toys tweak UI
To complete setup click on finish
power-toys tweak UI
To launch power toys tweak UI
Start ==> program ==> power ==> toys Tweak UI
power-toys tweak UI
In our next articles we would use Power Toys to optimize xp.

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