Thursday 23 March 2017

How to Solve the Windows Update Error 80072ee2

In this article we will guide you through the most complete guide for solving the Windows update error 80072ee2.

Windows errors are notoriously difficult to solve, especially the windows update ones, because they all returning a general message without further information. However, I will try to cover all possible solutions for the windows updater error 80072ee2 in this guide.
First of all, you have to know what causes this error. When you try to connect to the windows server to download the latest updates, the system is unable to establish a connection, hence the error message that is displayed on your screen.

Possible solutions for the windows update error 80072ee2:
Solution 1
Check if you are using a proxy server. If you do, double check the settings in the Internet Explorer and make sure that the proxy does not require a username or password to connect. If it does, the easiest way is to disable the proxy server during the duration of the windows update, although you can also create a workaround by setting your firewall to allow the connection to the Windows Update directly without going through the proxy.

Solution 2
If your computer has been infested with spyware in the past — or it is at the moment — then the spyware might have modified your Internet Explorer settings to use a proxy server. Open the cmd.exe program (by typing CMD in the start menu) and issue the following command:
netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

Solution 3
Some dll files might have become unregistered — due to various factors — which could trigger the windows update error 80072ee2. In this case, open cmd.exe, and register the following dlls:
oleaut32.dll,  jscript.dll,  vbscript.dll,  msxml.dll,  softpub.dll,  wintrust.dll,  initpki.dll, cryptdlg.dll
You can register a dll by typing:
regsvr32 {name of the dll}

Solution 4
This is the rarest occurrence that may cause the Windows update error 80072ee2, but your computer’s MTU setting might be incorrect. In this case, you simply have to set the MTU value to 1492 and try the windows update again.
These are all possible solutions to the Windows update error 80072ee2. In case you still cannot fix the error, leave a comment below and we will assist you.

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