Monday 5 September 2016

how to configure DNS domain name system in Server 2003

ADS uses Domain Name System (DNS) to locate resources on a network. Without a reliable DNS infrastructure, domain controllers on your network will not be able to replicate with each other, your clients will not be able to log on to the network, and Microsoft Exchange Server will not be able to send e-mail. Essentially, if your DNS implementation is not stable, your Windows Server 2003 network will fail. This means you must have a thorough knowledge of DNS concepts and the Windows Server 2003 implementation of DNS if you are going to manage a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory environment.

We have installed DNS Server during the ADS configuration wizard. But if you have skipped the configuration of DNS Server at that moment see our previous article to install it from control panel.

To configure DNS server

Click on start button select administrator tools and click on DNS

If you do not see the DNS option in Administrator tools sub menu it means you haven't installed it. See our previous article to installed it.

In left pane expand the Server. Here you can see default forward and reverse zone which were configured during the ads configuration. Delete the defaults zone files.

Make sure you remove both forward and reverse lookup zone files before start configurations

Now we will create new forward and reverse zone file for DNS.

Right click on forward lookup zone and select new zone files

Click on next on welcome screen

Select primary zone.
We need not to store zone in ADS so Remove check mark from Store the zone in Active Directory

Give a relative name for this zone file. For local network we suggest you to give your domain name for this zone file.

Our domain is so I set Zone name to

We are creating first zone So select Create a new file with this file name, do not change default name just click on next

We are going to use this DNS server in local network so select Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic updates. Don't use this option in public network.

On summary table just click on finish

Configure Reverse Look up zone

We have configured Forward look up zone. Now we need to create Reverse look up zone before we use it.

Do Right click on Reverse Lookup zones

On welcome screen click on Next

Select primary zone.
We need not to store zone in ADS so Remove check mark from Store the zone in Active Directory

Give the network ID from the IP address of server. Our server IP is so I will set here 192.168.0 [ network partition of IP]

Keep the default name for zone file and click on next

Select Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic updates. Don't use this option in public network.

On summary table just click on finish

We have created both zone file for DNS server. Now we need to tell DNS server about our pointer for DNS server.

Expand Reverse Lookup Zones and select 192.168.0.x Subnet [ if you have used different ip for server then here you will find your IP address's subnet ].

Right click on it and select New pointer

Now give the host ID from IP address. We will give 1 as we are using ip address.

At this point we have configured both forward and reverse lookup zone. But all these effect will take place after restart of DNS. DNS service can be restart in two ways either by restarting the service or do a complete restart of server.

To restart the DNS service Right click on Server and select restart from all task

Configuration of DNS server can be verify by launching nslookup. To launch nslookup right click on Server and select nslookup

If you see the default server name in output mean DNS server has been properly configured and functioning. But we haven’t restarted the server so you will not see the server name here.

To apply all these change Restart the server, After Restart verfiy it again and you will see default server name in nslookup

Additional testing of DNS can be done by pinging it by name. Go on any client computer and ping the DNS server. [ Before doing this set preferred dns ip to on client.]

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