Wednesday 26 April 2017

How to fix error “Your connection is not private” in Chrome

Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from ….. (for example, password, messages, or credit cards)
If you are repeatedly facing Your connection is not private error in Google Chrome Browser then I can truly understand your pain because I have also faced this error a week ago while browsing the Web.
Since, the Internet fraud and cybercrime are some of the most common things these days. So, we all care about our privacy too much and always want to protect our personal information from the envy eyes. That’s why, whenever we see the error message like “Your connection is not private” then we feel bad and want to fix it as soon as possible. Last week, whenever I tried to log into my Fiverr account using Google Chrome, I get an error message that says:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).
After few basic searches on the web, I got the reason behind “Your connection is not private” error in chrome and how to fix it. Here’s the detail information:

What is “Your connection is not private” Error in Google Chrome?
Basically, “Your connection is not private” or “Net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID” error appears on screen due to the SSL error. SSL (secure sockets layer) is used by the Websites to keep all the information you enter on their pages private and secure. If you are getting the SSL error Net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID in Google chrome, it means your Internet connection or your computer is preventing Chrome from loading the page securely and privately.

I hope, now you are well familiar with – what is an SSL connection error? Now, let’s know Why SSL error or “Your connection is not private” error occur in Google Chrome?
Why SSL errors occur?
There is various reason of SSL errors occurrence, but some of the most important reasons why SSL warnings occur are:
  • The certificate is not issued by a recognized third part: Certificate creation is not a tough job, anyone can easily create SSL certificate. That’s why, Google Chrome examines to see whether a site’s certificate came from a trusted organization or not. If the site’s certificate is not detected from a trusted organization then Google Chrome can’t provide the access.
  • The site’s certificate is not up-to-date: In case, the site’s certificate is from a trusted organization but not up-to-date from a long time then Google Chrome cannot verify that the site is still secure and private.
  • The connection between the browser and the website might not be secure: Sometimes, it happens due to the unsecure combination of the Internet connection between the browser and the website.
Now, if you are quite clear with the terms – what is an SSL connection error? And Why SSL error or “Your connection is not private” error occurs in Google Chrome? then let’s know the methods to fix your connection is not private error in chrome.
How to Fix “Your connection is not private” Error
You haven’t to perform any complex settings in order to fix “Your connection is not private” in chrome. Only you have to check and fix the issue due to which your Internet connection or your computer is stopping Google Chrome from loading the page privately and securely. Here’s how:
Method 1: Check the Date and Time
In most of the cases, computer’s inaccurate date and time are the biggest cause of an SSL error or “Your connection is not private” error message. If you want to get rid of Google Chrome “Your connection is not private” error message then update your device’s clock. Once you corrected the date and time on your PC, you will not face this error again.
Method 2: Check the Antivirus Software
If your computer’s date and time are up to date, but still you are facing the privacy error “your connection is not private” then you need to check the antivirus software installed on your computer. Sometimes antivirus programs block the website’s security certificate and in result you face “your connection is not private” error on Web browsers. Here’s what to do:
  • If you have installed the Avast Free Antivirus to protect your PC then you will have to turn off HTTPS scanning in Avast. To do so, go to Settings → Active Protection → Web Shield → Customize, and finally uncheck the “Enable HTTPS scanning” box.
  • If you are using Bitdefender antivirus software to get the best real-time security for your PC then you need to turn off SSL scan. To do this, firstly open the main interface of Bitdefender and then go to Settings (which is located at upper right corner). Now from there, click on Privacy Control → Antiphishing tab → turn OFF the Scan SSL.
Method 3: Clean Google Chrome Browser
If above-mentioned methods don’t work for you then somehow cleaning the junk from Google Chrome Browser can help you. To delete the cache, history, and other browser data from Google Chrome browser:
  • First of all, go to Settings → Show advanced settings → Clear browsing data under Privacy options.
If clearing browsing data doesn’t help then you can reset chrome browser settings to the default browser settings too. To reset your Chrome browser settings:
  • Firstly, click on the Chrome menu → Settings → Show advanced settings → Reset settings → Reset.
Clearing chrome cache and removing unwanted Google Chrome extensions also helps you a lot in such situation. Here’s how:
Method 4: Proceed to the Site
If you’re sure that the site you attempting to login is secured then you should proceed to the site. Because, if Google Chrome says that the security certificate is from the same domain you are attempting to login, it means there is nothing to worry about when the error appears.
  • To proceed, firstly click on the “Advanced” link.
  • After that select “Proceed to <website link> (unsafe)“.
Method 5: Prevent Warning
Addition to all these things, if you want to prevent the warning then you can easily set to prevent warning for a particular period. To prevent warning in Chrome:
  • First of all, type chrome://flags” in the address bar and then press Enter.
  • Now scroll down towards the bottom and find “Remember decisions to proceed through SSL errors for a specified length of time.” option.
  • Once you find it, now from the drop-down menu select the desired setting according to your wish.
  • After selecting, whenever next time you receive the “Your connection is not private” error in chrome then select Advanced → “Proceed to <website link> (unsafe)“.
  • Once you completed these steps successfully, you won’t be interrupted with the Google Chrome your connection is not private error message again for selected time period (the preventing time you selected from the drop-down menu).
Important Note: Apply this method (Method 5: Prevent Warning) only if you’re sure that the websites you are attempting to login is secured and will not make any disturbance of the Internet connection between the browser and the website.
How to Fix “Your connection is not private” Error on Android
If you have successfully solved Your connection is not private Google chrome error on your desktop computer or laptop but you don’t have any idea that how to fix Google chrome Your connection is not private error on Android devices then you might feel a little worried.
But don’t worry, the methods to bypass Your connection is not private net::err_cert_authority_invalid chrome error in Android are not too much different from the methods for computer. Follow this step by step guide and make your connection private on Google chrome very easily:
Lots of Android users find this SSL connection error solving guide helpful for them and perfectly solved Your connection is not private error on Android phone and tablet.Try out and let us know your point of view.
Thus, you can see how simple is to fix “Your connection is not private” error in Google Chrome. Apply these methods one by one on your Computer and let us know which method worked extremely well for you. Let us know – if have another appropriate way to fix error “Your connection is not private” in Chrome.

Monday 24 April 2017

Using the Mouse to Copy Command Prompt Text to Clipboard

A useful tip for mousers. Earlier we saw how to copy Command Prompt output to the Windows Clipboard. Did you know that you can accomplish the same using your pointing device (mouse)? Also, you can select a particular section (word or line) and copy it to the Clipboard. Here is how to do so.
1. Create a Command Prompt shortcut (cmd.exe) on the Desktop.
2. Right-click on the Command Prompt shortcut and choose Properties
3. In the Options tab, enable QuickEdit mode, and click OK.
4. Open a Command Prompt window (using the custom shortcut) and type a command.
5. To copy the output, select the text area using the mouse pointer and click the right-mouse button (or press ENTER.)

This tip applies to Windows Vista & Windows 7 as well.
Editor’s note: The above setting works only if you access the Command Prompt using the desktop shortcut that you created earlier. In one of the upcoming articles, we’ll instruct how to make the Quick Edit setting enabled by default, so that it works irrespective of the method you use to access the Command Prompt.

Thursday 20 April 2017

How to Auto Record the Total Count of Incoming Emails Every Day in an Excel File

This article will teach you how to let Outlook automatically count how many emails you received every day and write the number into an Excel file.

Many users are required to count the total number of emails received each day. In addition, for more convenient check in future, many are accustomed to recording the total count into an Excel file. In this case, of course you can opt to count and record manually every day. However, it is a bit troublesome. And you may forget doing it sometimes. Therefore, you must desire a handy method, which can make Outlook to automatically do it. In response to this requirement, we will teach you how to use VBA to realize it in the followings.
Auto Record the Total Count of Incoming Emails Every Day in an Excel File
  1. At the very outset, launch your Outlook application.
  2. Then press “Alt + F11” key shortcuts in the main Outlook window.
  3. Next in the popup VBA editor window, open “ThisOutlookSession” project.
  4. Subsequently, copy and paste the following VBA codes into this project.
Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
    If Item.Class = olTask And Item.Subject = "Update Email Count" Then
       Call GetAllInboxFolders
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetAllInboxFolders()
    Dim objInboxFolder As Outlook.Folder
    Dim strExcelFile As String
    Dim objExcelApp As Excel.Application
    Dim objExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim objExcelWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim nNextEmptyRow As Integer
    Dim lEmailCount As Long

    lEmailCount = 0
    Set objInboxFolder = Outlook.Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
    Call UpdateEmailCount(objInboxFolder, lEmailCount)

    ‘Change the path to the Excel file
    strExcelFile = "E:\Email\Email Count.xlsx"
    Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set objExcelWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strExcelFile)
    Set objExcelWorksheet = objExcelWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

    nNextEmptyRow = objExcelWorksheet.Range("A" & objExcelWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    'Add the values into the columns
    objExcelWorksheet.Range("A" & nNextEmptyRow) = nNextEmptyRow - 1
    objExcelWorksheet.Range("B" & nNextEmptyRow) = Year(Date - 1) & "-" & Month(Date - 1) & "-" & Day(Date - 1)
    objExcelWorksheet.Range("C" & nNextEmptyRow) = lEmailCount

    'Fit the columns from A to C
    'Save the changes and close the Excel file
    objExcelWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateEmailCount(objFolder As Outlook.Folder, ByRef lCurEmailCount As Long)
    Dim objItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim strDay As String
    Dim strReceivedDate As String
    Dim lEmailCount As Long
    Dim objSubFolder As Outlook.Folder

    Set objItems = objFolder.Items

    objItems.SetColumns ("ReceivedTime")
    strDay = Year(Date - 1) & "-" & Month(Date - 1) & "-" & Day(Date - 1)

    For Each objItem In objItems
        If objItem.Class = olMail Then
           Set objMail = objItem
           strReceivedDate = Year(objMail.ReceivedTime) & "-" & Month(objMail.ReceivedTime) & "-" & Day(objMail.ReceivedTime)
           If strReceivedDate = strDay Then
              lCurEmailCount = lCurEmailCount + 1
           End If
        End If

    'Process the subfolders in the folder recursively
    If (objFolder.Folders.Count > 0) Then
       For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.Folders
           Call UpdateEmailCount(objSubFolder, lCurEmailCount)
    End If
End Sub

  1. Next, sign this code and change your Outlook macro settings to allow signed macros.
  2. After that, you need to create a recurring task on daily basis.
  • Firstly, click “New Task” button in Tasks pane.
  • In the popup New Task window, click “Recurrence” button.
  • Then in the subsequent dialog box, select “Daily”, “Every 1 day(s)” and “No end date” and lastly hit “OK”.
  • Later change the task subject and reminder as per your needs.
  • Eventually click “Save & Close” button.
  1. From now on, every time this task’s reminder alerts, Outlook will auto count the emails received yesterday and then record the number into the Excel file, like the following screenshot: