Monday 9 April 2018

TCP/IP Protocal Stack

What is encapsulation?TCP/IP Protocal Stack?
Each layer adds a header and a trailer send to the another layer.
Trailer is Error checking methods

One person Writing data in his own PC.
He likes to send file to destination , In Between how it works
Here We going to explain How TCP/IP Works
What actually happens IF the files passes through TCP/IP .
TCP/ IP Protocal consist of
-Transport layer
-Network access layer.
Step 1
Application Layer(DATA)-->Assume that you have Big DATa . One DATA you can't send in one single shot.
What it will do ,

Here Application Part over
Step 2
Transport Layer --->It will segerate as a segment after that sequene wise one by one will send.
Segment - Segregated
Sequence-> First , Second , Third
Port number - This Data should go through this ID

Here Tansport part over
Step 3
Internet Layer
All There things merge in Transport Header--->Begining of the information

Assume segement , sequence and port num in the courier cover .
Sequence --->In that courier cover we need address, that mean Sequence need to know source and destination IP
also we required Who sends it ---> Source IP Address
Who received it --> Destination IP Address
Here we knows how to that get to that district->Network , How do that get to that building -->IP address---> Here involves Router

Step 4
Network access layer -MAC Address
Here you are sending to the building suppose you need to send to the particular person mean,
you required Source and Destination MAC Address--Here involves switch.
Trailer is the end of the information
In that courier has 100 pages, whether same pages destination person received or not , Here error checksome is coming to the picture.
Courier everythig filled up , now going to post in postel box . Small truck will come and take it up --->Here Framerelay involves
Framerelay knows where the data should go.
Step 5
Phsical Layer

Here Truck should go in road right ? That's what Ethernet cable involves here
Also we can send courier to Aeroplane too , that's what Fibre cable involves here

Top of Form

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