Friday 27 April 2018

HOW TO fix ERROR No Live Calls Waiting Vicidial and Goautodial Servers

No Live Calls Waiting Vicidial and Go autodial Servers

Step 1: Hopper Issue

- Check the Leads in Hopper under the respective Campaign
- Set the Hopper Level minimum to 500.

Step 2: Improper Dial Status

- Check the dial statuses added in your Campaign settings
- By default Dial Status NEW must be added so that New uploaded leads will be added to your campaign dial hopper.
- If you are resetting/recycle the lists of leads, then make sure you ADD respective dial statuses (BUSY,No Answer,Answering Machine) are add to be dialed again.
- To reset/recycle leads Set to Y ("Reset Lead-Called-Status for this list:") on your list settings

Setp 3: Call Time issue,

- Check the Local Call Time set in the Campaign.
- If you dont know the time of your server you can set it to default Local Call Time to 24hrs.

Step 4: Hard Disk issue

- Check if Hard Disk is full
- type df -h in linux shell to check the freespace in the system harddisk

Check the link below to delete Recordings:
How to delete recordings

Once finish getting enough Hardisk space, Then repair the database check the link below:
Repair database

Step 5: Server Crash due to Power Outage / Power interruption

Because of improper shutdown or due to power outage / interruption the MySQL Database might get Crashed / Damaged
Repair database

Step 6: NULL status junk in Mysql (Not all the time having this issue but this is just to double check isolation)

- Delete NULL status in the mysql vicidial_auto_calls tables

#mysql -u root -p
password: (by default goautodial = vicidialnow and vicibox = vicidial)

mysql> use asterisk
mysql> DELETE FROM vicidial_auto_calls where channel IS NULL;
mysql> exit

#reboot (restart your server)

-- The End --

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